Why I’m Here…

“Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.”

— Lucille Ball

Welcome to my site ♡

Thank you so much for being here. I hope you can use my reflections and advice to help with whatever it is you’re needing right now.

My main goal is to love myself so I can lead a happier and more fulfilled life. In return, I really want to help others do the same .

Without self love, I’ve made bad choices which have impacted my physical and mental health in many negative ways. I’m ready to repair that damage and hopefully help someone else along the way.

Can I love myself enough to erase all the addictions holding me back from a life filled with happiness and enjoyment? Thats what I’m going to find out. I know from experience that I can do the work to see positive results but can I make it last? Will I do the work to build myself up so that I have something to offer the world?

Self love is a daily practice and if you skip the work, even for a minute, things start to fall apart. I want to do the work each day so I can prove to others that treating yourself with love changes everything.

I’m not sure who I am or what I’m about. My hope is that writing will help me get there.

I want to learn everything I can about living a happier, more fulfilled life.

I want to love and get to know myself by doing the hard things required to reach my goal of becoming the healthiest version of me.

I want to enjoy all the precious moments with the people I love while being present and happy with myself at the same time.

If I can do it, you can too.

Thank you for being here,

-Rochelle ♡

Follow my journey.