Get Yourself Right
This morning I’m feeling inspired because I want to “get myself right” as Wes Watson says.
His advice is to become the best version of yourself first before you can help anyone else.
He made a huge career out of becoming the best version of himself physically and mentally so that he was in a place where could help others without feeling like a fraud. That simple sentence meant everything to me this morning because I’ve been feeling like a fraud having a website trying to help others with self development when I’m looking and feeling the way I do in this body.
I feel inspired to become my best self so I can help others.
I’ve also been thinking a lot about gearing my website toward my students. I don’t really want to share my insights on Facebook or with my friends because of fear basically. I don’t want people to think I’m ridiculous and to be honest they probably would because right now I’m not ready.
I’m still unhappy with myself because I’m unhappy with my body and it’s no one’s fault but my own because I’m not doing the work while still expecting this body to change for the better.
My feelings around sharing this website with my family and friends might change when I “get myself right.” For me, that means doing the work every day to become my best physically and mentally.
This is the first step, writing my journey down so I don’t forget what it’s like. I want to make sure I remember how terrible this unhealthy place is and I want to prove to others that life is better when you look your best.
I don’t want to treat diet and exercise like a punishment I want to treat it as a necessity for happiness.
I’m thinking that the students I teach would be a great opportunity for me to make an impact on this world. I know I’m doing it all the time because I can see it on students faces when I’m working with them. I know I can make kids feel better about themselves by the way I treat them and purposely build them up but can I also use this to make a business? Can I teach the students what I’m learning?
My goal isn’t to make money off my students but I do think it’s a great opportunity to help my students now and when they move on to High School. I wonder if that would be inappropriate? Would I be able to maintain connections with my students as they move on to High School.
I’d like to make this happen with an art therapist of mine who is going to have her own practice soon. I think if she creates a business, I could be involved with it in some way. I just want to help people feel better and become more confident in themselves.
Thats my passion and I’m realizing it more and more everyday. If we could start some type of community centre to help kids build up their confidence I think that would be a great thing. It makes me want to cry to be honest, that’s how much I want it.
I might have to make my next degree have something to do with counselling. But more than that, I want to be a life coach. I like the idea of helping people realize their potential so I can help equip them to become the best version of themselves.
I love the quote I heard recently that said, “Help one person and you change the world.” I know that if I can help one person to feel better about themselves and then give them the strategies to continue on their own then they’ll also help and teach others the same things. I feel excited about this and I really hope I can make this work.
One step at a time. I have to focus on myself first.
Today that looks like fasting until I get home from work, making sure to get in 30 minutes of cardio and making sure I learn something from a person I admire in a book or on a podcast.
Most importantly, I want to be the change I want to see in the world and I want to make sure I’m giving as much love at home with my family and friends as I give at work.
-Dawn Rochelle ♡