Be The Change
I really didn’t want to get up and work out this morning. It wasn’t that bad but I definitely had the thought. I noticed the thought but I got up anyway which is huge progress for me.
Last night was a rough one and I didn’t sleep well so I tried using that as an excuse to stay in bed. Because I didn’t, that choice brought me one step closer to my goal of loving myself. Remember I’m trying to see if I can speed up the self love process by getting a fit body. This fat one hasn’t worked for me my whole life so it’s time to do something different. I’m feeling so ready.
I almost wrote, “I’m ready” but I don’t know if I trust myself yet. Thats another part of self love isn’t it? Trusting yourself. I want to trust that I’m going to continue to work out every morning along with making healthy food choices for my body. Not just because I want to look good for others to admire but because I want to admire myself in a loving and appreciative way.
I want to have authentic gratitude for my body. I can say that honestly this time because every other time I’ve lost weight it was for the approval of boys or when I was going through a break up with a boy. I’ve never gotten fit for me and I think I’m ready to do it for me. I think thats a really good change in the right direction.
“Be the change you want to see in the world and then teach the world.”
-Dawn Rochelle ♡
I came up with this last night with a little help from Ghandi of course. I love this quote and I can connect to it in so many ways but right now I’m connecting it to self love. I feel like everyone is talking about self love these days but I also feel like no one I know loves themself.
I guess that means that we need as many teachers as we can and I’d love to be one of those teachers when I’m ready. I can’t wait to be ready.
-Dawn Rochelle ♡