My Personal Philosophy
I woke up feeling my addictions creep in.
As soon as my eyes opened I found myself trying to rationalize why it would be okay to do the things supporting regression in my life as opposed to making progress.
Because it’s the weekend.
I also noticed that I wondered, “What would Wes Watson say to me?”
He would probably call me a weak mother fucker and tell me to “man up.” I wonder how many females he coaches because he really only talks about men.
I get it though, you should connect with the people you have the most in common with.
That brings me to another point I’d like to bring up. I don’t like watching many women in the self development field. I seem to only watch men and I’m not sure why that is. I think I’m going to have to seek out more women I admire.
I do like Marie Forleo so maybe I should check out more of her content again. I also like Louise Hay, Brene Brown and Byron Katie. Mel Robbins and Gaby Bernstein are in the mix for me as well but there’s something about their personalities that I don’t really click with for some reason.
What are all these women missing for me though? Why aren’t I listening to them more? This is something I want to meditate on so I can figure out how I can be the woman I would want to listen to.
Would Lewis Howes, Ed Mylett or Wes Watson ever listen to me? I’ll have to find a way to stand out first.
Last night I found someone new who inspired me when I was watching a Lewis Howes podcast.
His name is Michael Gervais and he’s a psychologist who focuses on mindset training. To be more specific, I think he’s a sports psychologist.
He started his journey working for a non-profit and he built a gym in an inner city and invited boys to come train with the only fee being that they had to listen to him speak for 15 minutes on mindset.
He was nervous about it because he didn’t think these the guys would want to listen but it turned into something pretty special. You’ll have to check him out to learn more. There’s something about his personality that makes me want to listen and I feel like he’s another person I’m going to admire and want to learn from.
He worked with boys in gangs for 18 years and changed many lives with the strategies and techniques he taught them around mindset. I found his story inspiring because I want to do something similar with the students I work with. It made me wonder how I could make his strategy work in my school.
I do notice that I’m drawn to helping the girls in my school because I am one. I don’t necessarily think that boys would want to listen to me but maybe they would?
The other thing is that our school currently has a boys group but they don’t have a girls group so how can I make one?
Can I build more time into my schedule for the girls in our school that need a little something extra.
I think I’m going to start by owning my schedule and not worrying about what anyone else thinks about it because I know my intention is for the greater good for the students in my school.
When I think about a project like this becoming successful it makes me emotional. I want to make a difference in the lives of the students I teach but I’m not sure how I can do it in a way that is authentic to who I really am.
I guess I’m still trying to figure out who I am.
I can sense that I’m getting closer and closer every day and it’s exciting because when I figure that out I’ll be able to make the most impact in this world.
As I write this, it makes me want to better myself even more so the students I work with can see that I’ve used mindset training to change my lifestyle so I could create my ideal image.
I have to do the work and I think I might be finding my “why” for gaining a healthy body and mind. I’ve often felt left out when thinking about my “why” because most people I watch online have kids and that’s an easy “why” for wanting to healthy.
Of course people want to be their best selves for their kids not only so they can live long enough be around for all their special moments but also because kids become who we show them every day. They don’t do as we say, they do as we do.
If I wanted my kid to live a healthy life, I would have to show them by living a healthy life as well. Thats how kids respect their parents, when they practice what they preach, kids might not like it but they respect it.
I wonder how different my life would have been if my parents practiced a healthy lifestyle and practiced self improvement on a daily basis, not for the approval of others but for the approval of themselves.
I wouldn’t be here writing this if that was the case. I know that for sure. I don’t blame them though; they did they best they could with what they knew at the time and I’m grateful for every moment I have with them.
I still want to inspire them to do better and be better in their 70’s and into their 90’s as well. But….I have to show them I can do it first. I’m sure they’re sick of my fad diets and trying to preach healthier ways of living because I haven’t stuck with anything long enough for them to see consistent results.
Could my parents and my loved ones also be my why? Do I want them to be better so bad that I have to show them how by doing it myself? Maybe so..
I can’t teach my students about mindset while standing in front of them in this body. I need to succeed. I need to overcome the thoughts in my head trying to convince me to do the things that continually hold me back. I need to “Be the change I want to see in the world.”
Wow, that’s the first time that quote hit me in that way. In the past, that quote made me think globally with regard to climate change for example, but the world can be a school.
My world is my school because thats where I spend most of my time and aside from my family and friends. My students are the most important people in my life and it surprises me each year how much I connect with them. It also makes me sad to realize that we never connect again after they go to High School. That’s another area I want to fix. It’s unfortunate that teachers take the time to build these important relationships with their students for a year and then we turn them over to other people hoping they’ll be supported in the same way but are they?
If a student makes a positive connection with a teacher, shouldn’t they be able to connect with them again when they leave? Why not? Why isn’t this happening? Why can’t teachers be more involved in the lives of the students they teach? Does this mean I might have to come up with some type of after school program that is independent from the school board? Maybe so…
Right now, I’m thinking about a student I connect with really well who is not coming to school. I don’t know whats going on in their world but I know its not great and I want to help with that.
I want to build a program for “at risk” students who don’t see the power they have inside of them to create a better reality for themselves.
I’m not going to lie, I just had to walk away from this paragraph for a minute because of my emotions.
I had a visualization of being on Impact Theory describing this imaginary situation I’ve dreamt up this morning. In my visualization, I was describing this imaginary program for schools and I got emotional. I realized I would probably have to get some therapy myself before going on any show to talk about this because no one likes to see people cry.
Imagine if I actually did something important and I made it onto a podcast with someone I admire?
Imagine if I was able to create my own successful podcast?
Thats a really nice dream and I want to use it to push myself.
My questions is, if I can “get myself right,” as Wes Watson describes it, will I have more inspiration and motivation to make a greater impact in my current job? I feel like it’s a missed opportunity if I don’t.
I’ve always felt like I was meant for something greater but I wasn’t sure what it was. Could this be it? Can I actually pull something like this off? I think I can if I really want to and it’s making me want to be better more and more each day. In fact, I do keep getting better and better each day and it’s addictive.
I feel like I’m becoming more clear on my purpose. I’m in a perfect position to help so many people because I work in a school with 500 kids. Wouldn’t it be cool if I could get the funding to create a gym in our school and provide the opportunity each day for at risk kids to come and listen to me speak about mindset and then work out so they can improve their physical appearance, in turn, feeling better about themselves.
Come on universe, make it happen. Help me create the opportunity for me to make more of an authentic impact on the students I teach.
-Dawn Rochelle ♡